Basics of deep learning and neural networks

machine learning
deep learning
neural network



April 3, 2023

Basics of deep learning and neural networks

It is in this chapter that you will gain an understanding of the fundamental concepts and terminology used in deep learning, as well as why these techniques are so powerful today. With the help of simple neural networks, you will be able to generate predictions.

This Basics of deep learning and neural networks is part of [Datacamp course: Introduction to Deep Learning in Python] In a wide range of fields such as robotics, natural language processing, image recognition, and artificial intelligence, including AlphaGo, deep learning is the technique behind the most exciting capabilities. As part of this course, you will gain hands-on, practical experience using deep learning with Keras 2.0, the latest version of a cutting-edge Python library for deep learning.

This is my learning experience of data science through DataCamp. These repository contributions are part of my learning journey through my graduate program masters of applied data sciences (MADS) at University Of Michigan, DeepLearning.AI, Coursera & DataCamp. You can find my similar articles & more stories at my medium & LinkedIn profile. I am available at kaggle & github blogs & github repos. Thank you for your motivation, support & valuable feedback.

These include projects, coursework & notebook which I learned through my data science journey. They are created for reproducible & future reference purpose only. All source code, slides or screenshot are intellactual property of respective content authors. If you find these contents beneficial, kindly consider learning subscription from DeepLearning.AI Subscription, Coursera, DataCamp

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

Basics of deep learning and neural networks

  • Interactions
    • Neural Networks account for interactions really well
    • Deep Learning uses especially powerful neural networks
      • Text, Images, Videos, Audio, Source Code, etc..

Forward propagation

  • Forward propagation
    • Multiply - add process
    • Dot product
    • Forward propagation for one data at a time
    • Output is the prediction for that data point

Coding the forward propagation algorithm

In this exercise, you’ll write code to do forward propagation (prediction) for your first neural network

Each data point is a customer. The first input is how many accounts they have, and the second input is how many children they have. The model will predict how many transactions the user makes in the next year.

input_data = np.array([3, 5])
weights = {'node_0': np.array([2, 4]),
           'node_1': np.array([ 4, -5]),
           'output': np.array([2, 7])}
node_0_value = (input_data * weights['node_0']).sum()

# Calculate node 1 value: node_1_value
node_1_value = (input_data * weights['node_1']).sum()

# Put node values into array: hidden_layer_outputs
hidden_layer_outputs = np.array([node_0_value, node_1_value])

# Calculate output: output
output = (hidden_layer_outputs * weights['output']).sum()

# Print output

Activation functions

  • Linear vs Nonlinear Functions
  • Activation function
    • applied to node input to produce node output

The Rectified Linear Activation Function

An “activation function” is a function applied at each node. It converts the node’s input into some output.

The rectified linear activation function (called ReLU) has been shown to lead to very high-performance networks. This function takes a single number as an input, returning 0 if the input is negative, and the input if the input is positive.

Here are some examples: relu(3) = 3 relu(-3) = 0

def relu(input):
    '''Define your relu activatino function here'''
    # Calculate the value for the output of the relu function: output
    output = max(0, input)

    # Return the value just calculate
    return output

# Calculate node 0 value: node_0_output
node_0_input = (input_data * weights['node_0']).sum()
node_0_output = relu(node_0_input)

# Calculate node 1 value: node_1_output
node_1_input = (input_data * weights['node_1']).sum()
node_1_output = relu(node_1_input)

# Put node values into array: hidden_layer_outputs
hidden_layer_outputs = np.array([node_0_output, node_1_output])

# Calculate model output (do not apply relu)
model_output = (hidden_layer_outputs * weights['output']).sum()

# Print model output
print("\nYou predicted 52 transactions. Without this activation function, you would have predicted a negative number! The real power of activation functions will come soon when you start tuning model weights.")

You predicted 52 transactions. Without this activation function, you would have predicted a negative number! The real power of activation functions will come soon when you start tuning model weights.

Applying the network to many observations/rows of data

You’ll now define a function called predict_with_network() which will generate predictions for multiple data observations

input_data = [np.array([3, 5]), np.array([ 1, -1]),
              np.array([0, 0]), np.array([8, 4])]
def predict_with_network(input_data_row, weights):
    # Calculate node 0 value
    node_0_input = (input_data_row * weights['node_0']).sum()
    node_0_output = relu(node_0_input)

    # Calculate node 1 value
    node_1_input = (input_data_row * weights['node_1']).sum()
    node_1_output = relu(node_1_input)

    # Put node values into array: hidden_layer_outputs
    hidden_layer_outputs = np.array([node_0_output, node_1_output])

    # Calculate model output
    input_to_final_layer = (hidden_layer_outputs * weights['output']).sum()
    model_output = relu(input_to_final_layer)

    # Return model output

# Create empty list to store prediction results
results = []
for input_data_row in input_data:
    # Append prediction to results
    results.append(predict_with_network(input_data_row, weights))

# Print results
[52, 63, 0, 148]

Deeper networks

  • Representation learning
    • Deep networks internally build representations of patterns in the data
    • Partially replace the need for feature engnerring
    • Subsequent layers build increasingly sophisticated representatios of raw data
  • Deep learning
    • Modeler doesn’t need to specify the interactions
    • When you train the model, the neural network gets weights that find the relevant patterns to make better predictions

Multi-layer neural networks

In this exercise, you’ll write code to do forward propagation for a neural network with 2 hidden layers. Each hidden layer has two nodes The input data has been preloaded as input_data. The nodes in the first hidden layer are called node_0_0 and node_0_1. Their weights are pre-loaded as weights[‘node_0_0’] and weights[‘node_0_1’] respectively.

The nodes in the second hidden layer are called node_1_0 and node_1_1. Their weights are pre-loaded as weights[‘node_1_0’] and weights[‘node_1_1’] respectively.

We then create a model output from the hidden nodes using weights pre-loaded as weights[‘output’].

input_data = np.array([3, 5])
weights = {'node_0_0': np.array([2, 4]),
           'node_0_1': np.array([ 4, -5]),
           'node_1_0': np.array([-1,  2]),
           'node_1_1': np.array([1, 2]),
           'output': np.array([2, 7])}
def predict_with_network(input_data):
    # Calculate node 0 in the first hidden layer
    node_0_0_input = (input_data * weights['node_0_0']).sum()
    node_0_0_output = relu(node_0_0_input)

    # Calculate node 1 in the first hidden layer
    node_0_1_input = (input_data * weights['node_0_1']).sum()
    node_0_1_output = relu(node_0_1_input)

    # Put node values into array: hidden_0_outputs
    hidden_0_outputs = np.array([node_0_0_output, node_0_1_output])

    # Calculate node 0 in the second hidden layer
    node_1_0_input = (hidden_0_outputs * weights['node_1_0']).sum()
    node_1_0_output = relu(node_1_0_input)

    # Calculate node 1 in the second hidden layer
    node_1_1_input = (hidden_0_outputs * weights['node_1_1']).sum()
    node_1_1_output = relu(node_1_1_input)

    # Put node values into array: hidden_1_outputs
    hidden_1_outputs = np.array([node_1_0_output, node_1_1_output])

    # Calculate model output: model_output
    model_output = (hidden_1_outputs * weights['output']).sum()

    # Return model_output
    return model_output

output = predict_with_network(input_data)